27 February 2004

Old Film Help Needed.

I need someone’s help.
I have a memory of watching a film when I was a kid, about another kid who had a t-shirt with a picture of a tigers head on it. The t-shirt gave him special powers and he could run really fast and other cool stuff for a ten year old. Does anyone remember what it was called? No one believes me that I saw it and I have to have someone validate this for me so I don’t start thinking I dreamt the whole thing!!

25 February 2004

Your autocratic ways will be brought to heel with my rightous apathy.

Our students union organised a strike today. It was once again protesting against top up fees. The strike started at 12 noon. It is Wednesday, lectures finish at 1. I’m taking a swing in the dark here but this seems radically ineffective. A one hour strike. Ohhh, make me a hard hitting sign that I can wave during my one hour strike. This will really make the authorities stand up and take note, I missed an hour of lectures. I don’t take any crap from the government, I will not go back to the second half of one lecture. Hark at me and my forward thinking drastic protest.

So anyway, I stayed throughout the lecture and it was torture enough, students who didn’t really want to be there, being lectured by a someone who wished we had all been on strike anyway.

Power to the people.

24 February 2004

Dont worry about the scone Mrs Bridges, I've got a onion bharji in my sporran.

A couple of days ago our house was barraged with the somewhat “unique” sound of bagpipes. As this was slightly out of the ordinary in the average beige existence of work which we found ourselves in, an investigation was in order. It turned out that they were for a wedding that was taking place in the church across the street. All seems normal enough so far.
However, there were bagpipes, at an Asian wedding, taking place in a Methodist Church. Who says Multi Cultural Britain isn’t great.

Today we had a lecture and spent the majority of the time laughing at Australians. Our lecturer was Australian; he sometimes wore that “With or At??” face. Very amusing.

21 February 2004

Teoma - Search with Authority

I was trying to dry my clothes today so left my bedroom window open. After sitting there in multiple layers for almost 4 hours I looked over and realised that I had moved Monty nearer to the window not three weeks before. Knowing how cold it was – almost too cold to browse for randomness on the internet – it kinda figured that the little fella would be a bit nippy. I physical inspection confirmed this as he dutifully clung to me to sap my heat. So it was then that I had a brainwave. . . . I’d put him in the sink with some warm water.
I honestly do not know why I didn’t think of doing this ages ago. He is sooo cool when you put him in water. Not only does his belly go really really soft but he swims around as well. I really don’t know why I’m so surprised that I reptile can swim but it seem ace at the time. So I not pledge to take him swimming at least once a week, for my benefit if not his!

I also discovered a new search engine today called Teoma, I wont explain here how it works but I’ve found it really useful for university research. So much so that it has replaced Google as my home page.

19 February 2004

More emotion than a Bisto advert.

The highs – Having a lie in.
The lows – The internet connection in my house going down.
The highs – Realising I had forgotten to talk about acid rain in my coursework and having time to add it.
The lows – Trying to buy a continental breakfast but living in a dump which doesn’t sell nice food so having to have an egg and bacon sarnie.
The highs – The internet connection fixing itself.

Yes a roller coaster of a day I’m sure all will agree. As an extra high I discovered the pound shop sells boxes of Jaffa cake misshapes, ohhhh yeah, I think I know where my pocket money is going!!

17 February 2004

Wreckin' Ball Fun!

For those that were wondering. Today I did have a hot roast pork jacket potato. It was lovely.

I just went downstairs to have a break from work and the house in empty. I was going to sit in the lounge on my own for a bit and watch 5 but figured there are about 121 better things to do in life.
Think I’ll take a bit of time to myself tonight and read a book.

I miss reading. Since starting uni this year I haven’t read a single book for fun. My mind is made, I’m going to go and read some William Blake.

Oh yeah, and check this out!

16 February 2004

Gotta love the Deli.

Reading week is upon us. Long days in the library getting through coursework is on the menu.
Lunch will mainly be a hot roast pork jacket potato.
Lunch just cant come fast enough.

14 February 2004

3.4 million. Well if I must!

Its valentines. It’s a double lottery rollover. Unlucky in love and all that. . . . .

So we just had a full hours conversation on what we would do if we won the lottery today. There were surprisingly a lot of very selfless acts, many houses will be bought for friends and family, holidays will be rife and for all the youngsters in a family, trust funds will be stoked with the safe embers of hard cash.

So if there is any justice in the world, by tonight I may still be single, but I will no longer be poor.

Oh, and my bro and me will own the most awsome - I'm not afraid to use that word - motor bikes that man ever had the innovation to design.

12 February 2004

Robots. . .literally in disguise.

Redefing thie word Agregious. If you have every owened Transformers, you have to go here.

The Door Of The Car Becomes An Arm With A Gun. . . . COOL!!!

4 days of dirge.

Literally nothing of interest has happened to me in the last 4 days. The moment it does, or the moment something mundane and average happens which I can pretend was exciting, I will post.
Until then you will just have to make do.

Many apologies my minions.

09 February 2004

That warm fuzzy feeling that comes from knowing you were right all along.

My night of work turned into a night of sewing my coat up after I found out that there was a 40cm rip in the liner. Bummer.

We had quite a cool lecture for once today where we talked about peoples vulnerabilities and who we should worry about saving and who not. Then afterwards we split up into groups and the whole "ownership of risk" came up and my group agreed that people should take more care of themselves and not look to the government to protect them against everything. . . .hmm. . sounds stunningly similar to the statement I made about two months ago which I got shouted down for.

Interesting. ( insert picture of me looking pleasantly pleased with myself here )

08 February 2004

Minimum bet at the Tote, one pound.

My cyclic life has been broken.
After getting into the routine of working throughout the week and seeing how high I could get my stress levels, and then drinking them away during the weekend by seeing how high I could get my blood alcohol levels, I have found a new release. . . . betting!!!

Yes, from alcohol to betting, how my life has progressed.

I went to the Dog Track last night and it was so mindblowingly fun I didn't even want to drink. Yes, there was a bar there and I just wasn't interested. That's how much fun I was having. I cannot remember being out on a Saturday night at uni and not wanting a drink. I had a pint when I got there cause we didn't really know what we were doing and so just watched the first race. Then the betting started and once I got trackside it was chicken and chips with hot chocolate all the way! It was great. It started snowing and that just made me love it even more. Stood out in the cold of night, getting snowed on, ticket in hand, the hare is on the move, the gates open, half a dozen dogs burst out and jostle for the all important first place going into the corner, my dog is leading, but on the back straight he starts losing ground, I'm screaming for Poncho Crisis to get a move on, he gets pipped at the post by a nose after leading the whole race, the ticked gets ripped in two, thrown in the air, the race guide comes out and all my attention is drawn to the next set of six.

If you have never been to the dogs, you need to go. I only put a pound bet on each time, I won a bit, but obviously lost more. Then, at the end of the day I had spent about as much as I would have in the pub, but had a lot more fun and not been legless at the end of the night.

Gambling is the new Alcohol.

06 February 2004

The requested URL /F was not found on this server.

Lucky old me. The database at the library is down. Hmmm, let me think. How much research can I do now. . . . wait a bit. . . .oh yes, non.

My cd burner has lost its burn.

What was once the greatest thing in my pc has become a redundant extra cd drive. I managed to get through - wait for it - 16 cd's last night trying to work out what in all that is technological could be up with it. My conclusion. It's shafted.

I've been on the same bit of coursework for far too long now so I'm having a break and doing what I do best. Internet research for essays. So today I have my remaining coursework briefs in front of me and I plan to get through a ream of paper and a substantial amount of toner.

Might just end up checking my mail as well!

03 February 2004

Crisis Command. Could you screw the country??

I am beside myself.
I have never seen such a public display of inadequacy in decision-making, problem solving and judgement. Yes, I'm talking about Crisis Command which was on BBC 2 tonight.
I mean, I know I might see this from a different perspective as it is "my field" so to speak but . . . oh man .. . .how dumb can some people be??

They trusted terrorists, they didn't close the flood gates, and when he said - with regards to a hijacked plane - "There has never been a recorded case of this in history." I LITERALLY nearly had apoplexy. Oh man, it was like torture. It would not have been possible to take longer to make decisions, decisions that could have saved peoples lives.
When you procrastinate you choose last. Learn the lesson.

Anyway, I have to try and sleep now. This will be a mission all of its own for me.

I am beside myself.

02 February 2004

£15 a head and the Belly-dancer for free.

Well this weekend had relaxed written all over it. a nice chilled out night in Friday and then an impromptu stint to a restaurant on Saturday (Belly-dancers and all!!). Very nice.

Went to a baptism on Sunday. It was very nice, there was a whole troop of us from university so we turned the place a little rowdy -in the nicest possible way- !! It was a really nice service and the preacher was really getting into it which is always a bonus. The funniest point had to have been when the first woman was getting baptised. She was an ahem. . older. . lady and in her little talk had said how she had never had her face underwater since she fell in a pond as a kid. So there she was, stood in the water, hands crossed in front of her, ready to fall backwards. There was a guy doing the blessings and he started talking.

"Now before you do this, we have a problem. . . . PROPHECY!! PROPHECY!!"

You should have seen the look on her face, this poor woman who was beside herself with nerves anyway, almost died before she had chance to be baptised!

After that, we cheered when Holly went under, then had tea and muffins and went to the pub for some celebratory drinks.

I got another piece of coursework back today and once again managed to do worse than I thought I would. Still, on a happy note, one of the guys on the course got 91%. Wow. I'm going to get his essay off him and see what he did. That is the highest mark I have known anyone get for an essay in all my three years. Good one Noel.