27 September 2004

Putting the "Crap", into "Crap Customer Service."

My dear Chris, if I had a sister, I would be introducing her to
you right about now.
While you celebrate your 'anniversary' of sorts, I have been screwed twice
this week already. However, where you are looking for an involved
relationship and maybe a little bit of pillow talk, I have simply had the
customer service departments of large established corporations taking turns
on my ass.

Then they didn't even call. Sniff sniff.

Example of ass banditry one: My
mobile phone isn't working properly so I called up my insurance to sort it

Hi, my mobile isn't working so I want a new one. I'm on your gold insurance.

OK, have you got your phone wet, knocked it into anything or dropped it

No, it's just knackered.

I'm afraid unless you caused the damage there's nothing I can do for you.

But it's just bust, I pay insurance, cant you just give me a new one.


OK then. I dropped it. Can I have a new phone please.

Sorry sir I cant do that.

But the only way I can get a new one is to lie, at least I'm being. . . . . . CLICK

The phone goes dead. The bandits hung up on me. There is a sore feeling in
my loins.

Example of ass banditry two. The bike saga.

So my bike will defiantly come with cleats? (metal plates that let me attach my trainers to the pedals.)


It will DEFINITELY come with them.

Yes, definitely.

Because I've got my trainers already and want to take it out as soon as I get it.

The bike will come with cleats.

Bike arrives, No cleats.

Hi, you assured me the bike you sent me would come with cleats and it didn't, can you send them me?

Yeah sure, I'll put them in with your gloves that have just arrived from the
suppliers. (that they assured me they had in when I ordered the bike.)

So they will go in the post today?


And that will be next day delivery.


So I'll get my gloves and cleats on Monday?

Yes, I'll put them in dispatch right now.

NEWS FLASH. They didn't fucking arrive.

I am SUCH a sucker some times. I should have realised that because I got
such a good deal, they would have to screw me over somewhere down the line.
They even had the audacity to call me up and moan at me because my card was
refused when they tried charging me £100 too much. (yes, I did spend
approximately 95% of my worldly money on this bike, only to be whole
heartedly rogered in the process)

So now tomorrow I have to call my phone company and lie to them, then I have
to call the bike shop and be lied to.

This world it would seem, likes to keep a balance.