30 April 2005

When little trips go bad.

I went out shopping today. I thought I would be about 30 minutes. The plan was to ride to a music shop, have a look at the guitars, ride back.

What actually happened was as follows.

Drive to a music shop; find another one on the way; have a look in there; keep on going to original shop; get lost; get found; fail to find shop; make way back to first shop; look at guitars again; not buy one anyway; ride home; realise trip lasted about two hours; notice legs feel odd; ponder that I have been out for 2 hours with no sunblock; have a cool shower; liberally apply Vaseline Intensive Care; spend rest of afternoon trying not to touch foot; curse myself liberally.

Honestly, my foot is a joke. Not only is it cut, but now it's swollen from where I've been kicking the bag, and then I go and burn it too!

What was good about the day though is that when I was by the side of the road blatantly looking like a lost foreigner, a couple of lads pulled up and with the aid of my map showed me where to go. They didn't ask for anything, they simply went out of their way to help me then turned around and rode off.
