08 June 2005

The greatest teacher.


Remember how before I thought I'd broken a bone in my foot?

Well I've only gone and done it again.
I've not broken anything, just got a nice deep bruise again. I'm going to be out of action for a couple of days until I can get around without hobbling.

See, I was sparing with the trainer and I went in for a kick but didn't commit fully. This meant my kick was a bit short and when he went to block I kicked his knee square with my foot. This hurt.
Then I kicked his elbow.

Then I kicked his knee again.

Trust me, next time I spa, I'm not going to be pulling my kicks at all.

So I'm going to be sat icing my foot while everyone else trains. Missing training is something I know I have to do to get better, but it riles me that other people are going to be improving while I'm sat on my ass.

Oh well, only a couple of days to get myself sorted and then I'm back into it.
I'll just have some catching up to do!