I was intrigued by this whole general anesthetic thing so while on the table getting cleaned up today I asked my doc a few more questions.
Why do you need to use a general, last time I got stitched they just used a local.
There will be a lot of pain because of the tension.
In the wound.
I had to cut the dead tissue away so there will be tension when I close it.
I thought the dead tissue was the lump.
No, that was full of puss. The dead tissue was around the edges of the wound.
So you cut the edges away.
And when you close it, there will be tension.
And you need to use a general because of the pain.
Ok. I'll see you tomorrow then.
Yes, don't eat anything after midnight.
I haven't looked at my chin since I came in here more than a week ago. I tried once but there was just a lot of gauze that I didn't want to mess with. I now have no idea at all what it looks like, or what he has done to it. He cut the edges away? How much? Did he make it bigger? Tension???
Guess I'll find out tomorrow. I signed the forms today to say I don't mind going under. The price for the operation is about 600 pounds. Here's hoping it's worth it.