11 September 2006

I'm not a regular guy.

I've got something on my chest that I really feel I need to say to everybody. It's a bit of a revelation for me, and while I'm excited about it, I'm also slightly nervous.

I know this is going to come as a shock to some of you, and I know those of you that I've emailed will have been expecting this, but I want to get it out in the open so that I can move on with my life and become more comfortable with it.

I'm Bi.

I started getting curious about this sort of thing when I split up with my girlfriend. I don't know if it was *because* we split up or *why* we split up. All I know is that after we were no longer together, I started to feel these urges.

Then I landed in New Zealand and the urges wouldn't go away. I met a couple of people here that were already living this type of life and we just clicked. We went out to a bar one night, I had a couple of drinks and everything snowballed.

I've always been curious I guess. I've a friend back home that has been this way for years. He's open about it. Will tell anyone that asks. Never shied away from it. You can kind of tell just by looking at him, the way he dresses, the way he acts . . . his movie collection.

I suppose I simply had to act on my curiosity. For months now I could do nothing but think about it. How does it feel, does it give you a rush . . . does it hurt?

The first time it did hurt. A lot. I could barely walk the next day. What made it worse was that I was so excited to get started I didn't use any protection. I always thought I was smarter than that but I guess I just got caught up in the moment.

I thought about giving up, it didn't feel right. There was something in my head saying this just isn't natural. But then I started to read magazines and websites for people like me. The men all looked so relaxed. They looked happy. Like it was the most normal thing in the world. If they could do it and still smile, so could I.

I was worried about doing it again. I mean, this was all new to me, was I taking it too fast?

Even though I had my hesitations, I couldn't help myself. A whole new world had opened up to me and I wanted to explore it all. It felt so right, how could it be wrong.

I've been practicing for a few weeks now and I cant try to hide it any longer.

I'm Bi.


I can turn both ways on my snowboard.

Have It!