03 September 2003

well i have moved into my new house and unsuprisingly it does not come without a few problems.
the first of these is that we do not have any hot water as the boiler is broken. this means i stink. our landlady even knew it was broken but didnt bother getting it fixed before our tenancy started which was nice of her. the estate agent also has £190 pounds of my money that his monkey working on reception does not seem too keen to give me back. i will be calling them yet again today to find out what is happening with it.
todays jobs include
- seeing if it is worth my while getting a mobile phone with a contract.
- looking around at gyms.
- cleaning the kitchen up as it is covered in some kind of unidentified sticky substance.

i am going to be setting up a blog for the house as well so that the other guys can post on it. i'm not too sure if it will work well or just degenerate into slandor but we can only watch and find out.