22 July 2006

A catch up.

I hate having to write catch up posts but seeing as I seem to be more slack than not, I'm simply going to have to make do.

A number of things have been happening to me recently.

There was the case of the stool sample. Was it needed? Would I have to travel to Bangkok to shit in a pot? Did anybody at the hospital have the faintest idea what was going on?

There was the long distance, heavily delayed telephone call with Immigration. What documents did I need? Are they sure? Are they really sure?

There was a whole night of pretending to be from Eastern Europe so I could put on a silly voice and talk absolute nonsense to a hooker.

There was the Australian girl who lost my phone. I'm assuming she threw it in the lake because the ?I put it on the table next to you? story doesn't add up.

There was the Australian guy who became shockingly rude when I pointed out that his whole country was built on the waste product of English society.

There was an Australian girl who wanted to sell me 3kg of cocaine. Sure love, I'll buy 3kg of cocaine off your 'friend' . . . . . idiot.

Infact, there's been quite a lot of activity on the Ozzie front.

And there was the most amazing fight I've even witnessed as Richie ' the Rino' Prior took a beating for 3 rounds before kneeing the absolute hell out of some Thai guy. What a night. He now has 5 stitches in his forehead. Classic.

And finally, but for me most importantly, there was my decision to leave Thailand.

Sure, it's been fun, and it's been an experience, but I'm off.

This is why I've not been updating for the past fortnight. I've been very very busy sorting myself out and getting ready to move on.

So, if any of you good people are going to be in New Zealand this year, come visit me.

Yes, I'm off to the land of mountains to try again at this whole 'life' business.

My nomadic ways are still going strong and I'm going to move even further away from England. Once again I've got a one way ticket to some far flung corner of the earth that I've never been to. Once again I'm going to try and make a go of it. Once again I'm not coming home and I'm not getting a 'real' job and I'm not getting a mortgage and I'm not getting married and I'm not being sensible and I'm not thinking about my future and I'm not taking the easy road and I'm not worrying what my CV looks like and I'm just not giving a shit.

I'm going snowboarding instead.

Bite me.