14 November 2003

A day of distantly reading around a subject.

Today I got fully distracted from work by reading a satire website for in excess of an hour. To refresh myself I walked from my school to the library, which ended up being rammed full of noisy people, so I walked back home and proceeded to find anything else to do with my day other than work.
This means I am now going to work both days of the weekend to teach myself a lesson for being such a waster.

I will have Sunday morning off to watch the rugby for obvious reasons but I really do need to get on top of this essay that is doing my head in now.

I read an article on sit ups today – really pushing the boat our Wardy, well done – and it would seem that I have been doing all sorts of exercises for my stomach that are of no use at all. To start with I thought it was just some crazy man with something against leg raises but as I read on it really did make sense.
Long story short – if your rib cage isn’t moving towards your hips, you aren’t working your stomach. Leg raises; out, short sit ups; in.

Dinner: fish and chips
Music: funeral for a friend
Throat: hoarse
Neck: sore