03 November 2003

Thumbs up with a star!

So the weekend is over. Its Monday morning and I’m sat in uni waiting for my lectures to start.

This weekend was one of the best I have had at uni. On Friday night I had a fantastic night out for Halloween. There was dancing, drinking and generally silliness by all. Then to top the night off we even managed to get a selection of photos to remember it all by. You can see then here if you want but as with all photos of nights out, if you weren’t there then you don’t get that warming glow by looking back. You will also not understand why Ron has a star on his finger, but hey, you cant have everything.

Then on Saturday there was the recovering from Friday, and then yesterday there was the return of Sewer Strike. Yes, that most worthwhile of pastimes has reared its head once again. I’m getting all the pictures together at the mo and as soon as they are up I shall let you all know about it. Suffice to say that it should be amusing.

I’m still deliberating over whether I want to get a contract phone. I really did think I want one but then I keep thinking about all the other stuff I could buy with the money. If I got one I could call my friends in the evenings, but I wont be able to buy supplements, but I will be able to reply to text messages, but I wont be able to buy fish and chips on a Sunday. . .the list goes on and only leaves me wanting to increase my overdraft.

I think our house is hosting dinner this Thursday so I will have to clear the lounge of pizza boxes and bb guns. Oh yeah baby. . . we know how to live.