14 April 2004

The build, the facts, and the tragic ending.

Avoid war zones, this was the priceless piece of information given to me today by a lecturer. I could have probably worked that one out on my own, given time, but he just jumped right in there and spoiled the surprise for me.

The space bar on my keyboard is in the process of breaking so now you have to hit it harder than usual to get it to work. Doesn’t sound that annoying but I’m hoping any of you that have used a keyboard for more than 20 minutes at a time will sympathise with me.

I don’t really have anything to share with you today – as apposed to every other day where I have radical insights into the problems of both the individual and society as a whole – but I shall leave you with this. . .

. . . I have taken a lot of grief in my time for not answering my mobile. Yes, sometimes I just cant be bothered to answer my phone, when I’m doing something else for instance. Say I’m, heaven forbid, in the middle of something and my phone rings, my first reaction is not “Golly gosh, how am I going to safely replace this radioactive isotope back in the chamber before voice mail kicks in and I am perceived as rude!!!!”
Also say, good lord, that I am having a conversation with someone - face to face!!!! - and my phone rings, I will not instantly ignore the person I’m talking to and answer my phone.

I like my phone, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that I see it more as a tool than an overlord whose every wish I must obey. You wouldn’t expect me to let my dinner go cold so I could talk to you, nor would you expect that you could butt into any conversation, ruin any television or instantly make me drop everything I am doing at a given time and talk to you. But somehow, because someone is calling you, that is exactly what we are supposed to do.

So where am I going with this, well, while people say I’m annoying for not answering my phone, if I did, I would be equally as annoying. The facts are right here.

That’s all for today folks. I’mgoingtogoandfixmykeyboard.
Hmmmm, when I was writing that joke I kinda forgot the funny.