A bouncer charged me to get in a bar last night a full 15 minutes before they should have started charging on the door. I explained to him that the reason I was there at 9:45 was so I wouldn’t have to pay to get in.
He could have cared less.
I paid.
Still resent myself for it.
I bought some chips yesterday and when I asked the guy for vinegar he just laughed at me. Yeah, thanks mate, wait till I’ve bought my chips before you let me know that they will be almost uneatable without vinegar on them, nice one.
I thought I’d have another go at kebab meat as well to see if its improved in the couple of months its been since I last tried it.
Suffice to say, it hasn’t.
So I had kebab meat and chips with no vinegar. It’s hard to get lower than this.
And yet. . . .
Today I ate tuna and pasta for the 15th day in a row. And I have been counting.
If you hold down Alt in Word and press 0179 then you get the cubed sign, as is meters cubed. Handy that.
Had a dream last night about hippos that were actually bulls, and then woke up and realised that male hippos are called bulls. The mind boggles eh.
Wish I was 8 again and had no responsibility and could amuse myself for hours by just pretending to be a cowboy or something. That would be cool.