27 April 2004


Used to be so easy as a kid. You just run real fast, then jump and put your feet a bit in front of you.
It was easy, you could do it on ice, lino, wet leaves, wet lino, grass, mud, muddy lino and wet muddy ice. Sliding used to be cool , it used to be fun, it used to make me smile.

Then I got to university. Now when I think of sliding, I think of some stupid weir in some dusty country that I’ve just engineered and wonder if my calculations are right.
Do I grin when I do this? No.
Can I put on my ‘light up’ LA Gear, and go run in the park, in the rain. . . in shorts!!!? No.
Do I wanna go to the pub, forget about some stupid flimsy – ooops my weir has been washed away – maths problem?? Yes.

However, the call of the wild – and by this I mean the dull throb at the back of my head that tells me to keep trying – will not allow me.
Alas, I shall engineer this weir, and be a better person for it.

Crackheads, everybody hates them. And this is why.

Living in a democracy is brilliant. It allows free speech, freedom for all and a platform on which debate leads to decisions. America, home of democracy; protector, enforcer and sometimes induced of democracy; would surly hold its head up and proclaim in loud clear voice that as far as democracy goes, America has it nailed. And you know what, as far as websites like this one go, I can’t really complain too much. This is democracy at its finest, its most pure, its most delightful extreme.

Turning our attention to something a little more serious for a moment. The War. I don’t mean the Coke war here, taste tests have already ruled that one out. I’m talking about the pre-emptive war that we are currently holding against Iraq. ( hey peeps, it’s a good job India and Pakistan haven’t gotten wind of this pre-emptive strike thing or we could have real problems on our hands!)
The war is not smart reporters stood in front of buildings wearing clean pressed shirts. It is not a ‘body count’, it is war, people going out of their way to kill each other. I’m not getting all hippy here but when a war changes from soldiers shooting at each other to civilians becoming targets then my back starts to get up.
This is neither the time nor the place for me to get on my high horse about war, but I do think it is necessary once in a while to remind ourselves what is happening over there. Dead people lying in streets, children injured, pools of blood and fire. This is war. I’m not holding judgement on this war, I’m holding judgement on all wars. We should be better than this.