28 October 2003

Please enter your fist again as it was not recognised.

I was sat in Defence Policy Analysis today and it suddenly occurred to me that I had no idea what these people were talking about. There was a girl at the front doing a presentation on America and talking about the dissolving soviet union and how Yugoslavia was a good case study, how we are no longer living in a bi-polar world ( or something ) and I was just sat there thinking “ I wish I was in Field Skills.�
This led me to the conclusion that I might drop Defence Policy and do Development instead, even though I have been complaining about the Development module for two years now. I really don’t enjoy it, but I figure I should probable do something that I get a half decent mark in rather than -crazy over my head- analysis of places I have difficulty spelling.

I did hijack a party today though and call it my own. A couple of people off my course are having a big fireworks party near my birthday so I figured I’d invite loads more people and tell them it’s my birthday party!! Clever thinking. If any of you are interested it’s on the 7th of November. Mail me for more info.

I’m getting a bit tired of eating the same thing day in day out now. I am putting on weight but I don’t know how people do this for a living. I swear once I reach 13 stone I am never eating egg whites again. Luckily for me though, even though it is quite hard work, it’s working a treat and I reckon I will easily reach my target by Christmas!

There was a man on the street today trying to punch his way through a cash machine. He didn’t put his card in, he just walked up to it and started bashing the hell out of it. Made me glad I have hobbies.

27 October 2003

Katie Faulks

After recieving a telling off via e-mail for not properly name dropping I hearby inform you that one of my "new friends" (see previous post) is Katie Faulks.
She has bright red funky hair and did a dissertation in heavy metal music. If she were a biscuit she would be one of those pink wafer things.

26 October 2003

and at the very end of the last day, he put his clock back, and rested.

Well it’s five to nine and my weekend is officially over. Since Friday night I have been boogieing with my buddies, but now I have to drag myself back to reality, and get my sorry ass to the gym at eight in the morning.

So what has this weekend taught me, what can I take away from it except for the burn on my lip caused in the heat of frivolity? Well I have some very good memories, some new friends and a new personal best in the “How many matches can you extinguish in your mouth at once?� game. I know some of this sounds fickle, but hey, kids laugh a lot more than adults do.

I was planning on writing more but I am soooooo knackered I just can’t.

Setting my clock back now captain.

24 October 2003

Gym at 8, library by 10 and I'm even finding time for the pub tonight.

Well what a day it has been. Firstly I get up this morning and check the blogs only to find that not only have I managed to help out my bro – hey, that’s what I’m here for buddy – but I also got a special mention on moogaloo!! So if any of you Toms lot are reading this, welcome.

The house blog doesn’t seem to be going anywhere as they guys havn’t managed to get excited over it. This means I’m going to have to keep the tradition going strong all on my own right here. It’s a heavy burden I know but I think I might just manage it.

I’ve been checking out other peoples blogs and mine seems quite the amateur compared, I have no pictures, fancy colour schemes or cool little lists that I can add to. If anyone knows of any websites that will tell me how to do this please let me know and I’ll try and keep up with the jones’.

And so here is my treat for you all today. As a special thank you to Andy for so publicly advertising me and also because I am quite the music freak, I have found some amazing music on the internet that you are legally able to download and listen to. The band are called Speechwriters LLC, and they are sooooo cool. Go here to get loads of their mp3’s and here to look at the web site. I recommend you download the live set by Dave as the other guy really cant sing and only has one good song.


23 October 2003

Found out today that we didnt destroy ourselves quite as much as anticipated. this means that the girls have agreed to come round to our house for dinner next thursday.

Yeah. . . on one hand but

AARRggghhe, on the other.

Our house has that "student" feel to it. very impersonal, white walls and the only thing hung on them is one of those rugs you had as a kid that has roads on it. we also have to think of something to make them which will marginally impress.

in other news, there was a girl on my course today that couldnt remember what a gun was and described it as "One of those things that goes bang!". when we all graduate and are in charge of keeping you lot safe. . . . be afriad.

21 October 2003

So I just got back from a dinner party that some of the girls threw for us and as a house I think I can safely say. . . . we totally bombed!!

It was a “Lets get to know a few more people from the course� kinda meal and although we went with all the good intentions in the world, we just came off bad.

See the thing is, the normal kind of banter that we throw around the house just didn’t fit in at all well, but we know of no other way to act, so we just had to be ourselves. Which on this occasion, was the wrong choice.

We are going to get a full damage report tomorrow through a bit of subtle questioning from a mutual friend but as it goes I think we may have a bit of ground to make up.
I'm sat here in uni having just been told off - with the rest of the class - by a lecturer. having reminded everyone i met that we had some homework to do it turned out that i had told them all to do the wrong thing. this meant i had not read the information i was supposed to and didnt know a thing about the lecture.
hopefully this will never happen again although dont start holding your breath.

next i have doctor fox and his - takes 20 minutes to get going - lectures on water. no really, its exciting.

18 October 2003

This city is slowly destroying me. This city makes me angry, it makes me swear more, it makes me walk faster and look over my shoulder more often. This city, the city in which I am stuck for the next nine months during which I have to put together achievements which will shape the course of my life. This city of perpetual worsening of the spirit, of humanity caught between anger and resentment. This city of pigeon poo. Coventy, my home.

I went to watch Kill Bill tonight, if you haven’t seen it don’t bother. If it wasn’t made by Mr Tarentino it would just be passed by as an amusing flick that a few people will love but most will just not get. Much like my love for Dog Soldiers, this film is not for everyone.
But I digress.
I went to watch Kill Bill tonight and there was a delinquent couple sat on the back row talking throughout the entire film. Well I say talking, it was a bit more one sided than that. She was reading him the subtitles! Loudly. She wasn’t leaning over and whispering them to him so the rest of the folk could get on with watching the film. Heaven forbid, she just sat there reading them out like she was proud that she just got her Key Stage 4 reading award. Then they would sit there laughing. . .at nothing. They didn’t even laugh during the funny bits, and its not like the film was crammed with intellectual jokes, we’re talking slap stick here, they just laughed to themselves. Even during repeated calls for them to be quite from the other members of the audience, they just sat there in a little world all of their own - labelled “reprobates� - and ruined what turned out to be an overrated film for everybody else.

Then on the way home, by a statue of Lady Godiva, because this city has to make up people to be proud of, there were a group of largered up lads having a nice big fight. The problem is in these situations, it’s hard to tell which are the good guys. One group is always “losing� but what if they jumped the other group and it just happened that justice was running strong this day and they got beaten up. Either way, one lad was getting his face smashed in quite nicely and we just kept our eyes averted and tried to walk past without getting dragged in. And for anyone reading this that says we should have tried to do something about it, you can come visit me and watch the football fans fighting 20 meters from my house, lets see how much good you want to do then.

As if in the space of 3 hours this city had not done enough to make me want to get home and lock it away behind my front door, a man then approached us. This man had a can of larger in one hand and a cigarette in the other. As we were walking past him he asked us for a moment of our time, usually I would have just said no and walked by, but we were in a group and as we exchanged glances he started talking. This man wanted some money off of us. He didn’t even give a reason. That is how blatant they are down here. He just asked if we could give him a pound. Not spare him a pound, or lend him a pound, he just came straight out and asked for money. In a way I have to respect the guy for not giving us some crap story, just give me some money and be done with you. I refused for the group and we started on our way again while being serenaded with obscenities from the man who was upset, smoking and most likely drunk.

And so now I’m at home, sat at my computer, listening to someone in a car across the road repeatedly lean on the horn while down the road a shop alarm cries out for recognition in a city full of deaf ears.