28 October 2003

Please enter your fist again as it was not recognised.

I was sat in Defence Policy Analysis today and it suddenly occurred to me that I had no idea what these people were talking about. There was a girl at the front doing a presentation on America and talking about the dissolving soviet union and how Yugoslavia was a good case study, how we are no longer living in a bi-polar world ( or something ) and I was just sat there thinking “ I wish I was in Field Skills.�
This led me to the conclusion that I might drop Defence Policy and do Development instead, even though I have been complaining about the Development module for two years now. I really don’t enjoy it, but I figure I should probable do something that I get a half decent mark in rather than -crazy over my head- analysis of places I have difficulty spelling.

I did hijack a party today though and call it my own. A couple of people off my course are having a big fireworks party near my birthday so I figured I’d invite loads more people and tell them it’s my birthday party!! Clever thinking. If any of you are interested it’s on the 7th of November. Mail me for more info.

I’m getting a bit tired of eating the same thing day in day out now. I am putting on weight but I don’t know how people do this for a living. I swear once I reach 13 stone I am never eating egg whites again. Luckily for me though, even though it is quite hard work, it’s working a treat and I reckon I will easily reach my target by Christmas!

There was a man on the street today trying to punch his way through a cash machine. He didn’t put his card in, he just walked up to it and started bashing the hell out of it. Made me glad I have hobbies.