24 October 2003

Gym at 8, library by 10 and I'm even finding time for the pub tonight.

Well what a day it has been. Firstly I get up this morning and check the blogs only to find that not only have I managed to help out my bro – hey, that’s what I’m here for buddy – but I also got a special mention on moogaloo!! So if any of you Toms lot are reading this, welcome.

The house blog doesn’t seem to be going anywhere as they guys havn’t managed to get excited over it. This means I’m going to have to keep the tradition going strong all on my own right here. It’s a heavy burden I know but I think I might just manage it.

I’ve been checking out other peoples blogs and mine seems quite the amateur compared, I have no pictures, fancy colour schemes or cool little lists that I can add to. If anyone knows of any websites that will tell me how to do this please let me know and I’ll try and keep up with the jones’.

And so here is my treat for you all today. As a special thank you to Andy for so publicly advertising me and also because I am quite the music freak, I have found some amazing music on the internet that you are legally able to download and listen to. The band are called Speechwriters LLC, and they are sooooo cool. Go here to get loads of their mp3’s and here to look at the web site. I recommend you download the live set by Dave as the other guy really cant sing and only has one good song.
