15 July 2004

At long last.

Well I did it. All the sacrifice, hard work and late nights finally paid off.
I found out yesterday that I got a 2:1 in my degree. I am beyond happy. I am now officially a graduate in International Disaster Engineering and Management. It somehow sounds cooler now I know I’m graduated than I thought it would when I started all those years ago.
I only did the course because I thought it had an ace title. Now I’ve got to go out and try and earn a living from it.
I also fully kicked the arse out of the Independent Study which I often bemoaned about on this very site. I got my highest mark in that which is so far passed amazing I can’t wait to read it again. The second I have it I’m going to post it because I’m very proud of it.
So this is it. University is officially over. I have a degree.
The funny thing is, I still just feel like the kid that doesn’t know what to do with himself. I still don’t have a ‘big plan’ that I’m trying to follow. The past four years were a convenient stop gap in which I didn’t have to really think about my future. Well that’s over now. It’s time for me to find a direction.
Before I do that I’m going on holiday though. Then when I get back I’m sure I’ll find something else to distract me from having to ‘get a real job’.
Like becoming a space man, or a jet pilot.
Or a lion tamer. Oh yeah, lion tamer, that would be cool.