13 July 2004

One, Two, Three, Kerrrschmacko!!

Well I’ve been away. But you have stayed with me. For this, you are good.

I have a very impressive foot long scar on my leg where I gouged myself with a piece of aluminium. It looks ace, like I’ve been knife fighting or something. The real story is so many more times boring than knife fighting that I’m not even going to tell you about it. If any of your friends ask, I’ve been knife fighting, and I won.
You should see the other guy.

As well as working I went to a gig. Well I say gig. More like a Talentfest. If you ever get the chance to watch the mighty Stonylacuna play, then do.
“Why should I?” you ask. Well let me tell you why not. You should not watch them for the top quality songs, nor you should you pay attention to the clever lyrics, you should not even glance twice at the foxy lass on keyboards (well maybe just the twice) . For while all this and more is going on around you, there is only one thing you should be concentrating on.
“But I’m going to watch the greatest band in Sheffield play,” I hear you moan “surely I should pay attention to the songs?!”. Yeah, well if you want to go and rock your socks off all night then be my guest. If you want to get your moneys worth out of a band and become a fan for life, then go see Stonylacuna.

But there is more.

If you want to go out, rock your socks off, discover a great band and yet get so much more, then heed this advice.

Concentrate. On. The. Drummer.

Slap My Face. I have never seen a drummer like him. Some drummers have a distinct ‘drumming personality’ and this dude just takes it to a whole new level. He doesn’t play the drums, he owns that drum kits ass. He bought two drum kits, made them breed, and bound the result into his rhythm slavery. It is not the physical act of stick hitting skin which makes his drums be heard, it is the drum screaming for mercy every time the full force of his arm descends upon it.

Go see Stonylacuna. Go watch drumming how it was meant to be done.