10 October 2004

Sweet money, and bitter blood.

Once again the world shows that it likes to keep a balance in all things.

This weekend was yet another example of why you shouldn?t get too down when things are rough, and you shouldn?t get too happy when things are good.

I found out this Friday that I got the job I wanted. Yehaa and all that. This should mean that in about five months I will have mastered the basics of snowboarding and will be able to go on holiday somewhere snowy and actually have a laugh, as apposed to still being in the ?falling down while learning? stage.

So, we have a new job. This = Good.

Well that afternoon I took my bike out into the peaks for the first real test of its performance. (yes, another story about my bike, lucky you). All was going well, I was definitely faster than usual, confidence levels were high, storming along the top of some crags, my brain registering and evaluating every rock and making split second decisions about which route to take.
Well, that was the theory.
But where the body was willing, the brain failed. To me, the riding, and the pain were not separated by time, My brain was too shocked to register the flight and commit it to memory. One moment I was riding, the next I had face planted a rock, absolutely sure that I had broken my nose.
As luck would have it, my nose did not break. This is thanks solely to my helmet. The front of my helmet stopped my face from being too closely introduced to the rock. So while my soft squidy nose took the initial impact, my helmet quickly took over and stopped me messing my features up.
After a quick breather to compose myself, we set off and finished the ride. Oh yeah, we also had to cycle back up to the top of the massive hill because even though we had two cars and were going to shuttle run it back to top, someone forgot the keys.

. . . oh yeah. . . that was me. . . sorry Ez!

My first major ?new bike? ride and my first major fall. Lets hope I don?t keep this up eh.

So, I fell off my bike. This = Bad.

If I have learnt one thing, it is that you shouldn?t get smug when things go right, and you shouldn?t get down when they go wrong.
The world really is in balance, just ride it out.