12 February 2005

I'm doin it.

Yup, that's right. I booked my tickets today. I finally have something to look forward to. My decision is made, the flights have my name on them. April is the month, the 20th is the date. Put it in your diaries.

For on that date, I will be taking my merry self over to Thailand. You heard me right people, I'm off to Thailand. How long for you ask, well about six months actually. Oh yeah, six glorious months of Thai sun, sea, shin splints and getting the shit kicked out of me.

Yup, you heard me right again. I'm going to spend the majority of the time getting the shit kicked out of me. No no, not because I'm planning on keeping the English tradition alive of sullying others cultures by getting drunk and insulting, but because I'm going to be spending my time living at a Thai Boxing camp.

Again, you were not misled. I'm going to Thailand for six months to train in Thai Boxing. I'm staying at a boxing camp and by the time I get back I should be in the shape of my life.

I am truly excited with equal portions of fear thrown in for good measure.

Keep on checking back. Wardys got something to write about again!