07 June 2005

My stunt man moment.

Today just after morning training a storm closed in. There we were, sat around the ring, refusing to leave until the howling wind and thrashing rain had abated.

Nature unfortunately, had other ideas.

The rain got harder, the wind stronger, and before you knew it, you could hear trees cracking all around us. A few large branches fell from the rubber plantation surrounding the camp, more loud cracks from further away told of the same thing happening elsewhere.

Soon enough, there was a lull. I jumped on my bike and headed home in only my Muay Thai shorts and a t-shirt. The wind was still strong, the rain was hovering around being described as 'torrential'.

The ride home was amazing.

On the road that I have to take there were leaves and twigs all over the road, more of them falling all the time, there were large branches lying in the road to navigate around and best of all. . . there was a fallen tree being held up by power lines that I had to ride under!!

Oh man, I felt so 'stunt'. Riding around, dodging branches while being pelted with twigs from above and then riding under a fallen tree!! It was freaking brilliant!

It's times like that that make me wish my life was filmed so I could rewind and watch it again.

It was like riding in a disaster movie.
