02 June 2005

Ying and Yack.

Today me and another guy at the camp practiced groundwork together. He choked me out every single time we went down. This guy is good, I'd lay there expanding all my energy pointlessly trying to use my strength to achieve what turned out to be very little, and he would bide his time, then manipulate me into a position that meant I couldn't breath.

Time and time again.

Then again for good measure.

After the sparring we got down on the mats and learnt a new move. This one was a blood choke. This means you cut off the blood to the brain and your opponent either submits, or very very shortly becomes a limp bag of bones and adrenaline in your arms. When you are put in this choke you fee like your head is about to explode. It feels like it's swelling up like in a cartoon and any moment could pop. It is about this time that you should either tap out, or start worrying about the dribble patch you will leave in the ring, this is after everyone gets to watch you flap about fitting like a grounded fish. I think it's the brains way of saying "WTF!!"

So time and time again this guy air choked me out. I was tapping away longer and harder than a hippy on acid in a bongo factory. However, when the blood choke came around, the gloves were quite literally on the other foot.

Due to me being a bit lanky, I was perfectly suited to this choke. I've never done it before and so I got him basically where I wanted him and then the instructor started explaining how to activate the choke. Only, I was already 'half on' so to speak. So the poor guy I'm sparring with is lying there, wrapped up in limbs, slowly going under as I'm severely limiting his brains ability to function. My instructor finally finished the explanation, I tensed in all the right places and he tapped out.

Now this guy had been laying there, slowly depriving his brain of blood, just waiting for me to get the lock on properly so he could tap out. The trooper that he is, he didn't want to tap early so I could get a good feel for the hold. Only this meant he'd been partially in this lock for waaaay longer than he should have been.

Unfortunately, only a few minutes after this he was chucking his guts up. I mean, really puking here. Once, then twice, then again and then. . . oh ho, here comes some more for luck!!!

This guy is a ledgend. He just keeps on going and going way after I'd have fallen on the floor and coughed a lung out from exhaustion. If he pukes, it means he had it rough. But he didn't tap early. Good lad.

I like training with him. He inspires me to go farther than I'd like. Then when you get there, it's just the most satisfying feeling in the world.