21 February 2004

Teoma - Search with Authority

I was trying to dry my clothes today so left my bedroom window open. After sitting there in multiple layers for almost 4 hours I looked over and realised that I had moved Monty nearer to the window not three weeks before. Knowing how cold it was – almost too cold to browse for randomness on the internet – it kinda figured that the little fella would be a bit nippy. I physical inspection confirmed this as he dutifully clung to me to sap my heat. So it was then that I had a brainwave. . . . I’d put him in the sink with some warm water.
I honestly do not know why I didn’t think of doing this ages ago. He is sooo cool when you put him in water. Not only does his belly go really really soft but he swims around as well. I really don’t know why I’m so surprised that I reptile can swim but it seem ace at the time. So I not pledge to take him swimming at least once a week, for my benefit if not his!

I also discovered a new search engine today called Teoma, I wont explain here how it works but I’ve found it really useful for university research. So much so that it has replaced Google as my home page.