13 March 2004

Sunny Saturday.

The unplesantries were out in force last night. Losers.

I now have 8 days in which to complete 2 pieces of coursework. I shall accomplish this through the use of coffee, burning the candle at the proverbials and the reward of a most heinous night out once they have been handed in.

I just listened to “The End” by The Doors, and have to say, it is going in my top 10 best pieces of music all time list. I think next time I get in from a heady night out I shall play it very loud with all the lights off to really get “into the music”! Lets face it, anything is better than trying to fall asleep with Chumbawumba going round your head.

It’s Fair Trade Fortnight in Coventry at the moment so I keep on being given free coffee and chocolate. Bonus. I’m meant to be in town at the moment to get some more but after spending a morning waiting for the Pizza guy to arrive – really should go to the shops – I don’t know if I have the will to leave the house. Think I’ll just watch series one of The Office instead to remind myself that there really are people worse off than me.

We had an amazing discovery in the house this week. We found out that the light switch in the kitchen does not give you an electric shock as we thought. It’s actually the screws of the switch face. If you stand barefoot on the vinyl kitchen floor and touch the screws you get a sizable but not dangerous shock, if you stand in the lounge it just tingles, nobody has yet dare stand on the brass foot plate between the two. But sooner or later someone will. . . oh yes. . they always do!