10 December 2004

The inner monologue of todays crash.

Faster Wardy, must go faster. Must show that even though I'm on someone else's bike I've still got it. That's it, pedal harder, pick up speed.

Ohhh, nicely done. Drop it a gear, pedal hard down the hill. Ohhh, yeah. Holy moly I've got a lot of speed up. Ok, ok, calm down, spot your line around the corner. Right then, aim for the apex. Crap! There's a bench in the way. Ok, cool down hot shot, just go a little wide. Damn, picked up too much speed, get on the brakes now Wardy, lets take some of the oomph out of this flying machine.

Hmmm, not slowing down a lot. Pull the levers harder, no no, that's not working. Man I wish I was on my bike, where are disk brakes when you need them. Ok, think faster, pick your line, try and lose more speed.

Still not slowing down, hmmm, the brake levers wont pull and tighter. Well well, this should be interesting. Right then Wardy, time to get serious. You're going way too fast to get around this corner, evasive manoeuvres required.

Start evasive manouvers. . . now - crap, too late!

Lean, lean damn you, swivel your hips in the direction you want to go, careful with the brakes. Mind the bench, lean further, get around this damn corne - WHOA - ok calm down. You bailed. You're on your side. Balls, this is going to burn sooooo bad. Still sliding, watch where you're going, don't hit anything. Look, look, wet soggy grass, I'm sliding straight onto wet soggy gra - Airborne, I'm in the air. Ok, I'm spinning around in the ai - Aarrgggh, just landed. Where am I, oh yeah, sliding I'm just - Airborne, whoa I'm spinning again. Does my shin hurt? Hope I don't injure myself when I - Aarrgggh that's the floor, oohhhhh that's gonna sting in the morning. Still moving, still sliding fast. I'm on my back, my legs are tangled in the bike, lets hope I don't flip again. Man I'm sliding a long way. Hey, check it out. There's Fran and Ezra coming down the path. Frans shouting something, whats that. . oh, got it. Am I ok? Woo Hoo, I'm fine dude. Still sliding though.

Ok, I've stopped sliding. I'm in one piece. Check your legs Wardy, make sure nothings broken, check out that shin. Ok ok, I'm good. Just bruised. Bad Ass, That was cool. Where are the guys? I wish we had that on camera.

Ahhhh Damnit, I've busted my headset again!!!!