18 December 2004

Where's a good protest when you want one.

Today at work we were hoping for Animal Rights Protestors to come to the shop and start harking on about how terrible it is that a couple of animal had to die for the well being of the human race. Me and the rest of the staff were soooo up for a big protest. Something to give the day a bit of flavour. And yet, it would seem apathy won yet again and nobody turned up. Booo.

So I had to spend a normal day at work with no crowd of crazy tree huggers banging drums and trying to be political to cheer me up.

It's weird, being quite liberal myself I thought I would be able to sympathise with animal rights people, but I just can't. When they go on (and on) about how terrible it is that we test drugs on rats I just think, "well hey dude, I test them too so quit bitchin'", then when they say that we shouldn't use animals for science I think, "well hey dude, my bro would be dead if we didn't so quit bitchin'", then they use the good old 'Meat is Murder' line I think, "well hey dude, meat is dinner, so why don't you bite me instead and quit bitchin'".

Other stores got protestors, we got nothing. . . . denied.