01 January 2005

The holidays are over.

My bedroom is a medlee of beer bottles, tea mugs and clothes. There is a quarter eaten Toblerone on the floor, assorted socks, travel insurance information, one glove and unplugged computer speakers in between my bed and the door. I avoid these things rather than move them, somehow moving them is too much effort and stepping over/around/on them each and every time I use my door is acceptable.

Next to my keyboard I have pennies and bottle tops, pay slips, cd cases and a remote control for a stereo that doesn't work. Even the files on my computer have somehow become jumbled. My usual anal habit of keeping the desktop clutter-free has been left by the wayside.

I got in from work today and had a beer and a quarter of Toblerone for dinner, then I washed it all down with a couple more beers.

Next day off I get, I have to tidy.

The holidays are over people, get back to normal.