10 January 2005

My love of music is refreshed.

I have recently found some sites on the internet which have reaffirmed my faith in good music. Having been on a bit of a sabbatical from hunting around for tunes, I thought I would give it another go last week. Am I ever glad I did! Thanks to the wave of blogs out there that concentrate on music I have managed to find myself some of the most amazing music. Yeah, you still have to listen to the hours of crap and average stuff before you get your hands on the gold, but that?s half the fun. It makes finding those special tracks so much more satisfying. I spend my days listening to what I?ve scavenged and then when I get home I whittle it down to the select few.
The quality of what I have found even spurred me on to go and buy new cables for my stereo so I can use that istead of relying on headphones.

Which brings me to another point.

While listening through speakers is better during the day, when night closes in headphones rule. I have taken some of these tracks to bed with me (so to speak) and laying there in the dark, fully submerged in music. . . it just blows me away.
Some people get passionate about films, I rarely go to the cinema. Some get passionate about books, I?m a casual reader. For me, laying in the dark, eyes closed, submerging yourself in music. . . that is a passion that owns me.