05 March 2005

Feel the finger burn!

I've spent the past two hours furiously tapping away at my keyboard. I have managed to get a couple of thousand words down and for once in far far too long I actually feel like I have accomplished something today other than another days work. My holiday is drawing temptingly closer. My bro's wedding plans are coming together nicely. I'm managing not to spend too much. My visa arrived safely.

Every day I dream about my holiday. Every day I worry that I've been dreaming about it for too long and it wont live up to expectations, but then every day I remind myself that seeing as I have little to no idea what I'm getting myself into I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I think I'll make this website a bit more holiday friendly before I go too. Seeing as I'm going to be posting on a regular basis again, I think I should do myself the favour of making it as easy as I can.

Here's hoping there are plenty more productive nights before I go.