08 August 2004

All I can say is sorry.

sometimes, words are all we have. Yes, they may seem contrived. they may seem worthless, cliched, and ultimately wasted.
However, in this instance, and through this medium, words are all I have.

I never meant to disappointment. all I ever tried to do was make people smile. yes, I know I take the piss sometimes but I never do it to hurt, I never do it to be mean.

if I thought anything I had written on these pages would lead people to think of me in a bad way then I feel the purpose of this site has been wasted.

I started this site mainly so I didn't have to keep on writing e-mails. but it grew from that, I realised there were people out there who were reading it to be entertained also. when I realised this, my writing changed. I sometimes wrote simply to entertain, to bring smiles, to make people happy.

I now admit that in trying to do this, I have brought some readers undue misery.

so these are my apologies.

the first is to the guy looking for French Porn. I am sorry that I did not provide you with tasty Parisians partaking in acts unfit for description. it was never my intention to not provide French Porn on this site, I just don't have the bandwidth.

the second, and more sincere apology goes to the person searching for Mick Hucknall August 2004. I am sorry that I did not provide you with Mick Hucknall partaking in acts unfit for description. it was never my intention to not provide Simply Red mp3's on this site, I just don't have the bandwidth.

For the disappointment that Wardy so often brings, all I can say is sorry.