24 August 2004

All the way back to zero.

So there I was. I had money. I was doing alright for myself. Sure, I was still working my way out of my overdraft, but that's what it's for. That's why they gave me one in the first place.

Foolish foolish Wardy to believe in such things as a 'free lunch'. I've been saving and working hard to sort my finances out. I had finally manged to get myself out of my overdraft. I was stood on my own financial feet. In debt to nobody ( less my student loan, but that doesn't count! ). So my bank thought they would ride the wave of my jubilation and then at the last minute, wipe me out like the nobody that I represent in the world financial markets.

Yes indeed, the second I broke out of my overdraft, they cancelled it.

hmmm, so, recap. . . . I DID have a nice little buffer that I could rely on while I go about earning more money. But no, I got £20 on the good side of zero, and they went " Thanks for the money back, Sucker!!! )

So now I'm skint. Skint like the kid who has only £20 to his name. Oh yeah, and I need to fill the car up with petrol before my dad gets back of holiday. Damn you and your development China!!!

All that skimping, saving and hard graft for the opportunity to have nothing.

I suppose on the bright side at least I don't owe them anything now.

Still, a grace period would have been nice.

I called them to try and sort it out, to give me a bit of a break until I'm fully financially stable. I'll have to see if the system works, if not it's going to be might embarassing tomorrow morning when I try setting up a direct debit with my gym!

In other happier news. I had an impromptu trip to another city to see a mate. Having a car rules. He called me about half nine and I thought it would be a cool idea to just jump in the car and go visit. I picked up another friend on the way and we arrived about ten past midnight, we drank whisky till the early years and caught up. Then the next day we drank coffee all day and drove home.
