14 August 2004

For the love of God!

If I see another advert made up of everyday noises put together to make 'music' I think I'm gonna eat my ears.
Sure, the first time I saw it I thought it was kinda cool. Do you know why I did, because the first time I saw it, it was Original. Did you hear that advertising people, it WAS original. Now you come off looking like a second place loser desperately trying to recreate something clever . . . . badly.

clunk, fizz, whirr whirr bang.
rattle rattle, crack pop, thunk thud click.

Well shit a brick, I'm in the mood for buying crap now.

But when I'm not leading myself to an early grave by getting far too involved in television adverts, I do go out and do stuff.

Example: This week I've been helping a friend landscape his garden, we have been out in the pouring rain, diggin' and stuff. On the third day we found a bees nest under where his ladders had been laying for the past couple of months. So being the caring people that we are, we carefully moved the ladders out the way, made sure any of the rocks were not too near the nest and made a bit of a clearing around it.
Then we got some fire-lighters, his wifes nail polish remover, and had ourselves an eviction party!

Gotta love the fun that summer provides.