23 May 2005

Full Moon Party.

Imagine the biggest party you can, then double the size, then add at least a couple thousand more people, mix in a hell of a lot of alcohol, sprinkle with drugs, liberally douse in dance music and then add fire. Welcome my friends, to the Full Moon Party!

I've been to a fair few parties in my time. I have even been to a little get together at the Savoy (oh yeah, Yorkshire boy done good!) but all of these pail into insignificance when measured against the Full Moon Party. This party stretches the entire length of a beach. At either side are kick ass bars, all across the beach are more stalls selling everything from buckets (literally) of alcohol to chicken bits on sticks and neon body painting. There are lights, there are crazy structures to dance under and there are fire dancers. Then there is more fire, then fire with audience participation (always a good idea when you are drunk and off your face on drugs) and to finish it all off there is alcohol, drugs and fire.

You may be noticing a running theme here.

This party was amazing. There were times when I was just stood there, looking over the beach at everything going on and thinking to myself, "wow". It really is something you have to see to believe. No amount of description can adequately communicate what it is like to be there, see it, smell it, taste it and most important of all, be a part of it.

It's not all glitz and glamour though. As always there was an ample supply of losers on display. The most memorable image of excess that I took away from the party was two English girls. Two, overweight English girls. Both wearing really tight tops and jeans, almost as if they were designed to highlight the excess weight these ladies were carrying around and with special seams to push a tyre right out in between the top and trousers. While I was sat on a step catching my breath these hotties started dancing in front of me. Eyes looking at some distant point, they were one with the music. Both holding a small plastic bucket full of vodka and coke, at least six straws in each, splashing it all over there white trousers and sloppily trying to take a drink while still dancing. They stood there dancing for a while and moved on.

The Full Moon Party, best enjoyed drunk.