24 June 2004

Back from the drink.

It’s been a while people. Some may say too long. But now I’m back in my rightful place in front of a computer, the world is at ease.
I have spent the last week chilling out. It has been the most relaxing week of the past year. There is something cool about waking up and thinking “I’m not going to do anything constructive today.” I know some of you will read this and think, “Wow, that guy is just wasting his life.” And this may be true, but it is in these times that you amass knowledge. Not facts and figures and opinion and conjuncture like at university, but real life skills.
For example, I now know that the word “Pony” which I used virulently in my second year, comes from Cockney rhyming slang, I know that playing draughts (checkers for the Yanks) with shot glasses leads to impromptu nights out, and I learnt how to easily open a banana.

- I know, how hard can opening a banana be, but trust me on this one, I was amazed –

So tonight, like every night this week, when I go to bed, I will sleep easy. I will sleep the sleep of a man who knows no troubles.
I’m going to start looking for a job in a week.
I have seven days of peace left.

Lets hope they last.