09 June 2004

Of all the stupid places to stand.

This is an accurate representation of what I felt like when I left my exam today.

Been day dreaming again today about what my house will be like. I’ve decided I’m having the Space Invaders rug that can be found at this place. Probably along with everything else they do. Expensive but nice.

Today must have been the annual scumbag outing. They were everywhere. It would seem that walking right down the middle of the pavement and knocking people out the way is really cool.
As cool as the tracksuit you’re wearing mate. . . probably not eh!
I’m going to get one of these beauties. I will own the streets. I will own any bar I’m in. Scum bags will not annoy me. They will become a source of amusement.

Today was a comedy of errors while trying to revise this evening. First half way to the library the guy I was with realised he had forgotten his ID card so we would have to talk our way past reception. Then when we got there it was way too hot inside so we decided to sit on the grass instead. So we sit down, I open my bag, and I’ve forgotten the one book I needed to read. So we walk all the way home again, take the kitchen table into the garden, sit down, and it starts raining.
We give up, and go to our respective rooms. Mine is like a sauna. I change into a pair of shorts and read while topless. This is no way to live.