01 June 2004

I want my own house.

While this may come as no surprise to many, I really cant wait till the day I have my own house. I want, for just once, to not be confined to one room in which I live my life. Up to this point in my life my bedroom has been the room I entertain, work and sleep in. Everything I do revolves around my room. I want a house with a study, and a games room with a bar. My bedroom shall contain only a bed. I shall have a separate dressing room. I shall have nothing in my bedroom other than an alarm clock. I shall not enter my bedroom unless I intend to use it for that which it is named. I shall work in one room and when I feel like a break I shall not turn my chair so I face a different direction, I shall leave the room and take a break in a whole separate, non work and sleep related room.

My house shall have a name, not a number. It shall be called Council.