13 June 2004

Beckham and his boyfriends in last minute bungle.

Tomorrow sees me start my last week of exams. But I’ve gone on about them for what seems like an eternity so I shall digress.

We lost the football today.
I say this in the same tone of voice that I would say “I nearly trod on a wet tissue today.” Or “I asked for a JD and Diet coke, but regular will be fine.”

I don’t do football. Never did. All through school I just never got into it. I was the kid that was always in defence because I wasn’t popular enough to be a striker but then again wasn’t so unpopular that I couldn’t play. I just used to kick the ball forward as hard as I could whenever I had the rare pleasure of getting near it. I didn’t really have a team so I picked one of the local ones. Between the two choices I went for the one with the best logo.

When we lose I shrug and am slightly unhappy. Not because we lost, but because I know that throughout this tournament if I want to go to a bar and the football is on I will be surrounded by guys who will whoop and moan in unison. They will cheer and laugh like a group of pirates and if we lose they will go to the streets and fight. If we win, they will go to the streets and fight. They will fight. They will be drunk. They will fight drunkenly.

I would give anything to be a riot cop during these times.