22 December 2003

Goodbye Tuna, hello anything else!

Well I’m back home now for Christmas and this can mean only three things.

1 – I am going to eat like a king as I no longer have to pay for the food!!
2 – I will be able to eat more than tuna and pasta every night.
3 – There will be more flavour to my food than the one pot of mixed herbs and spices I put on everything.

It’s almost as if there is a theme here.

My mum is trying to finish the Harry Potter books at the mo. Apparently she isn’t worried that this is in direct contradiction to her Christian faith. It would seem she doesn’t realise that harry potter is satans messenger and that by reading the books she is only one step away from sacrificing me on the alter we have in the basement, then drinking my blood and waving my spine around in church next Sunday while singing Marlyin Mason songs.
I tell you, the adults of today!!!