12 December 2003

Its my geeky moment here.

Now I know this is going to make me sound like such a lu-hu-ser but I have just been converted to the wonder that is Mozilla Firebird. This program rules like nothing has ruled before. I am amazed, it literally makes browsing the internet a piece of pee. Now I know I've sometimes been described as geeky; nerdy; sad; recluse; honest; hardworking; trustworthy; good looking; fair; funny; open; easygoing and single but looking (ladies???) but this really is a piece of software that you should all get.

That's enough of that.

I found some more Speechwrites LLC tunes today that they have put online, I downloaded them with easy using Mozilla Firebird (arrgh, did it again), so I've been listening to them for almost all the afternoon. Its getting dark now and when I came up here I had a cup of tea and toast.

My crazy new phone arrives tomorrow and I just cant wait for that first exciting 20 minutes while I press everything and do everything it can before it gets resigned to my pocket for 23.5 hours of everyday. This means I am going to have a "full of fun" night going through my old phone and writing down all the numbers. Sometimes I need to just slow down!!

All that was meant go get posted last night but the internet wasn't working. I would like to point out at this juncture that it had nothing to do with the might that is Mozilla Firebird, more the junk that is NTL cable.

I've just got back from the gym, phone not here yet. Still excited!