02 December 2003

Oddly Helpful.

With only a week to go till coursework deadlines I was starting to get a wee bit worried about my work. I didn't sleep for trying to work out when I would do what, for how long, what targets I needed to set myself, the list went on. So after a crappy nights sleep - on my crappy bed which I will get to later - I got up to the sound of pouring rain.
I ate my breakfast, got a shower, got my books together and all the time all I could think about was the fact that I had to walk to uni in the rain. I don't like this city at the best of times and trudging through it at eight thirty in the morning while getting rained on did not sound like my idea of fun. So there I was, getting myself into a worse and worse mood when I just came to my senses and thought, " you know what Wardy, Fuck it"
I decided there was nothing at all I could do about the rain, so why worry about it. I threw my coat on my bed, put my earphones in, turned the music up and set off to uni in a t-shirt.

And let me tell you, I felt soooo much better for it.
I mean yeah I got wet. I was fully soaked through by the time I got there, but I felt so good. I was in my own world on the way there; everyone else had buried themselves under coats and umbrellas, all rushing around looking as pissed off as I was only minutes before. And there I was, slowly walking through puddles with my hair stuck to my face and a grin all the way across it.
It felt surreal, I couldn't hear anything but my music - yeah yeah, I know, that's really dangerous - and the rain was so hard the near distance had a mottled grey distortion to it.
The best bit about it though, all my worries were washed away, it was like spiritual cleansing. It reminded me of when I used to play in the backgarden as a kid when there was a thunderstorm. My brothers and me used to run around in our shorts and have competitions as to who could see the biggest bolt of lightning.
So there you go, next time you are feeling stressed about anything, just walk really slowly through a rainstorm, you may not like the rain, but you can't stop it, so why worry about it.