24 December 2003

Out of my way, those are my croutons!!

Well it’s Christmas eve and today I will start and finish my Christmas shopping. To do this I intend to travel to Meadowhall and take full use of the elbows that God gave me to nudge, coerce and barge people out of my way. Then after queueing for what I’m sure will seem like and eternity, I will get back on an overcrowded – stinking of pee – bus and await the serenity that is my house.
To accomplish all this without feeling the need to resort to outright violence I will be turning my music up very loud while I’m walking around and staying away from any music that contains bass guitars, drum kits and lead singers with blood shot eyes. I think for this type of expedition it’s more of a “one guy, one guitar, one mic” kind of vibe.