17 December 2003

Mighty Mo...

So its Saturday and I have nothing to do apart from finish coursework off, but it's the weekend and I feel like a deserve a break so find it increasingly difficult to sum up the courage to actually do any. Luckily for me I get 100% distracted when I get a phonecall from Sam asking if I want to go down south with her to chill at the pub? Well let me think, stay in Coventry, the ugly horny girl in a club of subdued hotties, or go to a pub for the weekend? So off we went and spent the whole weekend doing fully nothing. We put some lights in a tree. That was it. the rest of the time was spent labouring over what to eat for dinner (oh yeah, I had a gorgeous meal every time we ate - guine fowl for dinner, yes please - ) or trying to decide what to drink next, Guinness or wine?? I tell you people, when this is the biggest decision you have to make in life, it sure feels good!!

Louging about on Sunday night and we were looking for something half decent to watch on telly. There was nothing on the normal channels so we went to sky and still, nothing looked that good. So we started looking through the kids channels. What did we happen to come across?? Right there in the little blue box was "Might MoĆ¢€¦" Nice one I though, havnt seen Mighty Mouse in ages. So I hit the button and what was there in front of me but "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers".
I felt old people. . . . for the first time, I really felt old.

Unfortunately all these things have to come to an end and on Monday morning I ended up back in the sticky pocket of the midlands. Went to lectures and dreamt about the next time I get to go to a pub and not pay for anything!