15 April 2004

Chitty Chitty Lame Ass.

I was walking through town today on a trek around the charity shops when something caught my eye, there was a car at the traffic lights, stationary, yet the hub caps were still spinning!!

Now you would think this would look sooo cool I would run over and maybe try licking them. However, the car was some dirty old red polo and the .. . . ahem “bling bling rims” only highlighted how normal the car was. It just didn’t look cool. It was the Jimmy Saville of cars. Old, battered, but still trying to be flash.

I just laughed. Stared some more. Then laughed again.

Truly the guy driving didn’t know a thing about cool, and truly, I am someone who obviously does!!!

The thing about car modding, and it might be me here who just doesn’t get it, is that almost all modded cars look crap. All you have to do is flick through a copy of Max Power to see a whole range of crappy looking cars. They are normal, average looking cars, somehow made to look worse. If you want to mod a car, you should start with a freakin ace car, and then do it up. That way you get the reaction of “what a freaking ace car, and what freaking ace mods!” and not the reaction of “what an average car, and what a generic spoiler”.

Yanks can modify cars, no two ways about it. They are good at this. I think its because they have more imagination. You wouldn’t hear a yank going “well, blow me Barry, Terry just got a Nova, why don’t I buy a 206 and buy a bigger and more generic spoiler than him.”

When yanks modify cars they look like this and this.

When brits try and do it they end up looking like this, and lets not forget this.

However, when the brits get it right, and when it’s some real engineer doing the work and not some dehydrated dope fiend, the results are worth the wait.

But the king, and I do not use this term lightly, The KING I say, of modding cars has got to be this hero of humanity. This guy knows a thing or two about being an individual. Just look at the dashboard. This guy rules, if I met him I would shake his hand and get a photo of me and him, stood in front of the car, shaking hands. . . and smiling.

The ironic thing about modifying cars, is that it all started because people didn’t want to drive around in a car that looked like everyone else’s. But now, they all get the same mods done. It’s like wearing a Kappa tracksuit ten years ago to stand out.

And finally peeps, let it go with the spoilers, they aren’t even the same colour as your car and I can see where you bolted it to your boot. Honestly . . .just let it go.

So please people, stop trying to make you cars look cool and just buy a decent car in the first place. There is only one car in the whole of my trip into uni that I have any respect for and it’s a Mustang. Someone went to the trouble to get a proper car in the first place, and then has obviously spent money making it super sweet. So congratulations to you, and shame on everyone else.

Oh, and for all the trouble makers out there that want to know what kind of car I have. It's Here.