16 April 2004

What to believe Wardy, what to believe??

The parting words as I left my housemates room. He is trying to land a sweet job in South Asia but just found a web site basically saying that the people he was going to work for are slave drivers and are only out to rip you off.

So this got me thinking, on what do we base which information we believe.

As we trundle through life we are always being challenged on what is, and what is not, true. Even great minds get it wrong, and seeing as it is the great thinkers that set the scene for the rest of us, it leaves us in a bit of a quandary.
The television tells us things and most people automatically believe what is said because it is seen as an ‘honest’ form of media. ( maybe not Channel 5 though eh)
The internet is full of cooks and crazies and newspapers can be little better.

It would easy to go though life, thanks to the internet, believing that CS Lewis was selling our souls and that when we vaccinate our kids they are injected with micro micro chips.
( I really wish I was making this stuff up sometimes! )

Well maybe not ‘easy’ to believe but I’m sure someone out there would buy this stuff in a second. I mean, I’ve seen Trisha, and if that is the general level of things to come then soon the whole of the country will believe that Dale Winton is more annoying than Mick Hucknall. Please people, we’re talking Mick Hucknall here, not Carol who does the weather on BBC’s Breakfast.
Carol, I can handle it if it’s going to rain, you don’t have to tell me this through side splitting laughter and blatantly acted jolliness.

So what should we believe? Well as a general rule I tend to believe anything that is said to me while I’m drunk, this is because these things are so obviously plausible. Such statements as “Wow Wardy, you’re a really good dancer.” And “I think she likes you.”
I believe most of the things I hear in lectures. Such as “The horse I rode to work on was called Sexy.” ( again, I wish I was making this up! )
And not much of what I see on telly. “Residents claim that it is bad road design, and not people driving too fast and with too little skill while eating or talking on the phone, that is causing accidents.”

These rules have got me this far. Here’s hoping they get me a little farther.

Then again, I am sucker for The Onion.