26 April 2004

Warm enough to boil a monkeys bum your honour.

I’m almost entirely sure that the hotter it gets, the slower time passes. Hot days just seem to last forever, some days it’s because you are just chilling out in a park with friends, and others, like today, it is because you are in a little room at the top of a house and it is all but impossible to cool down. Either way, I like it.

I had a very humbling moment today when I realised that my pc is now so old, it wont even run some screensavers. This is – I hate to admit – a little embarrassing. However I bought a trifle for dinner today and failed to eat it all in one sitting, so the level of shame in my life is at an all time high!!

Sometimes you find something, and you really feel like you should understand it. That you should get the joke and be ‘in’ with the crowd. Yet, I read this, and just felt like I was on the outside looking in. This is probably a good thing.

Revision is upon us. Friends cease to talk, washing ceases to be washed. Stress levels rise, coffee is brewed and weekends become a blur of tension release, late mornings and constant evaluation of how much you know compared to how much you should know.
6 weeks until my life starts, 6 weeks until I have to grow up and become responsible, 6 weeks until my parents stop buying me food for fear I will starve to death and start charging me for the food I eat.

So soon I have to decide how I’m going to earn my way in the world. Will I get an office job, will I be ‘head python catcher’ for a game park or . . . hope upon hope. . . will I land a job like this.