25 April 2004

A quartet of errors.

So there we were, setting off once again on our early morning cycle. ( yeah yeah, I know, I seem to go over the same stories again and again!!)
Predictably, I got a puncture. We stopped and fixed the puncture.
15 meters down the road. Ron gets a puncture. We assume these happened at the same time and while I was fixing mine, his tyre had chance to deflate.
Then, not 5km further on and lo and behold, we have puncture number three.
Punctures thrice. 3 is the number of punctures. 2 is not enough and 4 is just plain wrong.

So we figure we have blatantly had our run of bad luck for the day. We keep on going and get to a lovely little pub. There are hump back bridges and a lock, it’s all very quaint. Then, and would you believe it. Puncture number 4 looms its ugly head. We have only gone 6 miles, and 4 punctures; it’s just plain crazy.

After fixing number 4, and subsequently running out of puncture repair patches, we decide to head home for fear of having to push. AGAIN!

Stopped off at Halfords on the way home to check out some Kevlar reinforced tyres, they didn’t have any in but I managed to find some on the net, so hopefully these melancholy days of fixing bikes by the side of canals will be behind me.

I don’t know why but I’ve noticed that in hot weather my hair goes even more curly than normal. This causes a great deal of anxiety in me as I’m not particularity fond of my curls as it is. Although they have often been described as ‘endearing’ and ‘cute’ I don’t believe either of these. Yeah yeah, some people pay a lot of money for curls yadda yadda, great, good for them, tell you what, lets swap and then we’ll all be happy.
Man, if only there was some way I could design my own hair, that would rule.

I leave you with this article. It’s getting late and my bullshit detector went off so I haven’t read it all yet, however, from the bit I did catch, it sounds like another unhelpful article on a serious issue which uses minimum – and bad! – referencing to convey a wholly inaccurate message.

Then again, I haven’t read it yet, so I’m as bad as the author for jumping to conclusions without doing my research!