22 April 2004

A good book, a bad car and a common myth.

I wanted to post a dark and depressing blog today. I’ve been reading for the past week one of the best books I’ve ever had the pleasure of finding. It’s called Another Day In Paradise and is a straightforward account of aid work from the people that have done it. Compelling, sometimes disturbing reading.

When I haven’t been reading that I’ve been researching war, civil war, death, destruction and gloom.

However, I’m not going to go on about it for two posts in a row cause not only will you get bored, I’ll depress myself. So instead we should all play this game. It’s so simply addictive that you have to love it.

Remember the post about modding cars, remember how I said you should start with a good car. Well I could have eaten my words today when I witnessed the rolling atrocity that was a ‘beefed up’ TVR Tuscan Speed 6.
I stared. I had to. It was compelling. What was he thinking? WHY would you spend all that money and then just ruin it like that. I was staring so hard that when he pulled away from the lights he gave me a nod. Somewhere, a tear was shed.

Sometimes you read something and just refuse to believe its true. I mean, I don’t mind them not liking the song but saying these. . . things. . .about it is just rude. Although I don’t agree with a lot of the list so I suppose we are probably approaching it from different angles.

I love this though.

I’ve got to go brave the cold now as I’m at the library, the sun went in hours ago and I’m only wearing a t shirt!!!