27 April 2005


I cant connect my usb stick to the computer in the internet cafe. Once again you are going to have to wait a couple of days.

But seeing as I'm here now.

This morning at training I discovered a new type of sit up. I shall call this variant a punch up. You lie on the floor in normal 'sit up' position, then someone punches you in the stomach and you do a sit up. Pleasant. During this same session I found out that if you do a set of 10 'punch ups' and the instructor says 'one more' he does not mean one for luck. He means another set of ten. You'd better believe that number 12 took me way by surprise and knocked the wind out of me.

I'm going to use all the micropore in the camp if I'm not careful. I'm now bandaging both big toes, one little toe and the ball of my left foot every morning. Tomorrow I'm going to have to start on my knuckles because they are starting to gross me out. I need to sort my punching out as well, I have no skin on my little finger knuckles, this is bad technique, only my first and second knuckle should be suffering.

Damn my soft English skin.