22 April 2005

If you're on a plane and it crashes somewhere remote, hope I'm on board.

This isn't because I think I would be of any use. The only use I would be was if you were looking for someone who was comically hysterical, and even then I'd just get annoying. No, the reason I would be of so much use to you is that I taste great. I mean really great. Not wanting to sound too big headed about the whole thing I took a poll. I mean who am I to say I taste great, it's not like I've ever really had the opportunity to sample my own flesh. The poll was easy. If you like me, bite me, if you don't, leave. The results were outstanding. 143 out of 120 000 000 mosquitoes think I'm the best thing since a dog. When faced with statistics such as those it seems almost child like to complain that these bites are concentrated around the straps on my sandals making walking painful, and my left arm, for no reason I can fathom.