29 April 2005

A plague on my house.

As you know from previous posts, I'm getting the life bitten out of me over here by mosquitoes. Today however, things managed to get worse.

I woke up this morning to find my kitchen over-run by ants. I mean, absolutely covered in ants. They were all over every piece of cutlery and crockery I have, they had built a small nest like thing in my sink and they were covering the entirety of my work surface. Breakfast was officially off.

I did the best I could to clean them up but in the end I just gave up from frustration and hoped they would be gone by the time I returned. In the back of my mind I was thinking the maid would notice and know what to do in this situation.

I spent the day by the beach, shopping and drinking lemon ice shakes.

I got back to my bungalow, took of my sandals and noticed there was a can of Raid outside my door. Excellent, I thought, they have sorted it out for me. I went inside and as my hands were full I walked straight over to my bed to put my stuff down. Now my bungalow is dark, really dark. I had to buy new bulbs as the ones that were fitted only managed to throw a soft glow on the ceiling, never mind supply adequate light for and kind of meaningful activity.

While I was stood at my bed I thought, 'hmmm, what's that under my foot?' I turned and put the light on to be greeted by the kind of vision usually reserved for horror movies.

Covering my bed, floor, table and any horizontal surface in the room were dead and dying wasps. Lying there, writing in their death throws must have been almost 500 wasps. It took me a moment to take it all in. You just don't expect to see such an outrageously vile site when you turn on the light.

I started cleaning them up and the job never seemed to end. I shook my trainers out and found 11 in those alone. They were under my bed, under my table, in my change mug, in my towels, in my clothes. . . just. . . everywhere!

In the corner where my wardrobe is there was a pile as high as the toe of my trainers and about as wide as dinner plate. They must have swarmed into my room during the day. Luckily for me someone noticed and emptied a can of raid before closing the door.

I got the guys from the camp and they decided that they came in through a gap in my wall which has now been taped over. My confidence that I'm going to make it the night is not even nearly restored.

I hate my bungalow. During the day I get bitten by mozzies which creep in through all the cracks in the walls; ants have literally taken over my kitchen and made any sort of activity in there impossible; wasps have taken up residence somewhere in my room and geckos hide in my toilet roll . . . . which to be honest I find quite cute but I needed something to keep the tempo going!

I mean, can you imagine if I'd been asleep when they swarmed into my room. I would have woken up to a couple of hundred angry wasps and been stung so freaking badly it could well have put and early end to my trip.

I'm not training tomorrow. There's no way I'm going to be able to sleep tonight. What I am going to do though is get a better place. I don't even care about the price anymore. Having to sweep wasps off your bed with a broom while avoiding the kitchen and being bitten by mosquitoes is not something that lends itself to that 'homely' feel I'm so desperately trying to achieve.